Here you can find all The Sims 4 Trait Cheats. With these cheat codes you can give your Sim any reward trait or bonus trait you like from The Sims 4, Outdoor Retreat, Get to Work or Get Together.
First use the cheat code testingcheats true to enable the trait cheats:
traits.equip_trait [trait] – Equips trait.
traits.remove_trait [trait] – Removes trait.
traits.clear_traits – Clear all traits of the selected Sim.
The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats
Reward traits | Cheat code |
Always Welcome Always Welcome Sims will act more at home when at others' residences, and the hosts won't mind at all! | traits.equip_trait AlwaysWelcome |
Angler's Tranquility Sims with Angler's Tranquility will find that all of their problems seem to melt away while they are fishing. | traits.equip_trait AnglersTranquility |
Antiseptic Antiseptic Sims' Hygiene Need decays much slower. | traits.equip_trait Antiseptic |
Appraiser Appraisers can sell collectibles like Metals, Crystals, Elements, and Fossils to the Simsonian Museum for extra money. | traits.equip_trait Appraiser |
Beguiling Beguiling Sims can put anyone in a flirty mood with just one look. | traits.equip_trait Beguiling |
Beloved Everyone remembers a Beloved Sim! Their relationships never fade. | traits.equip_trait Legendary |
Carefree Carefree Sims will never get Tense. | traits.equip_trait Carefree |
Companion Sims with a Companion have special interactions with their spouse that help ease the trials of life. | traits.equip_trait EternalBond |
Connections Sims with Connections start all Careers several levels ahead! | traits.equip_trait Connections |
Creative Visionary Creative Visionaries have a higher chance of painting and writing masterworks. | traits.equip_trait CreativeVisionary |
Creatively Gifted Creatively Gifted Sims build adult creative skills faster. | traits.equip_trait CreativelyGifted |
Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Sims are more likely to get promoted in their Career. | traits.equip_trait Entrepreneurial |
Expressionistic Expressionistic Sims have captured the essence of feeling, and can create highly emotional works of art regardless of their actual mood! | traits.equip_trait Expressionistic |
Fertile Fertile Sims have an easier time when trying for a baby, and a higher chance of twins or triplets. | traits.equip_trait Fertile |
Free Services All single use service requests are free. | traits.equip_trait FreeServices |
Fresh Chef Fresh Chefs always make the highest quality food, and it never spoils! | traits.equip_trait FreshChef |
Frugal A Frugal Sim's household has reduced bills. | traits.equip_trait Frugal |
Great Kisser Great Kissers have amazing success with kissing, and increase Charisma with every kiss! | traits.equip_trait GreatKisser |
Gym Rat Gym Rats build Fun and don't lose Hygiene while exercising! | traits.equip_trait GymRat |
Handy Handy Sims can instantly Fix and Upgrade any object. | traits.equip_trait TheKnack |
Hardly Hungry Some Sims just don't have much of an appetite. | traits.equip_trait HardlyHungry |
Hilarious Hilarious Sims can never go wrong with a joke, and have a few extra-special ones up their sleeve. | traits.equip_trait Hilarious |
Independent Independent Sims' Social Need decays slower. | traits.equip_trait Independent |
Long Lived Long Lived lets Sims live longer lives, barring any accidents. | traits.equip_trait Longevity |
Marketable Marketable Sims sell items they've crafted for more Simoleons! | traits.equip_trait Marketable |
Mastermind Masterminds know just the right things to say to cause anger, sadness, and jealousy in their opponents. | traits.equip_trait Mastermind |
Melt Master Melt Masters have devoted enough of their love and bodies to grilled cheese to truly become Gurus of Gruyere. They can summon Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Paint Grilled Cheese Paintings. | traits.equip_trait MeltMaster |
Memorable Relationships decay more slowly. | traits.equip_trait Memorable |
Mentally Gifted Mentally Gifted Sims build adult mental skills faster. | traits.equip_trait MentallyGifted |
Mentor Once Mentors reach Level 10 in certain skills, the Mentor interaction becomes available and they can help other Sims improve their skills even more quickly! | traits.equip_trait Mentor |
Morning Sim Morning Sims build extra skill in the morning. | traits.equip_trait MorningSim |
Naturalist Sims that are Naturalists don't need to fear fire; it won't touch them, and they can extinguish it with ease. | traits.equip_trait OneWithNature |
Never Weary Never Weary Sims need less sleep. | traits.equip_trait NeverWeary |
Night Owl Night Owls build extra skill at night. | traits.equip_trait NightOwl |
Observant Observant Sims learn the traits of others just by meeting them. | traits.equip_trait Observant |
Patriarch / Matriarch The Sims provide skill boosts whenever they are around their children. | traits.equip_trait Matriarch |
Perfect Host Perfect Hosts get a boost to the score of any social event they throw. | traits.equip_trait PerfectHost |
Physically Gifted Physically Gifted Sims build adult physical skills faster. | traits.equip_trait PhysicallyGifted |
Piper Pipers know an arsenal of songs that have significant power over others. | traits.equip_trait Piper |
Player Players will never cause other Sims to get jealous, no matter what they do. | traits.equip_trait Player |
Poetic Poetic Sims can capture life itself in a book, and wield it to bring back someone they've lost. | traits.equip_trait EpicPoet |
Potion Master Potion Masters can mix potent drinks which can sway the drinker's emotions. | traits.equip_trait PotionMaster |
Professional Slacker Professional Slackers have no fear of being demoted or fired. | traits.equip_trait ProfessionalSlacker |
Professorial Professorial Sims can write helpful manuals about any skill they're well-versed in. | traits.equip_trait Chronicler |
Savant Savants gain all skills much faster! | traits.equip_trait Savant |
Shameless Shameless Sims will never get Embarrassed! | traits.equip_trait Shameless |
Shrewd Shrewd Sims receive a direct deposit each week based on their Household Funds. | traits.equip_trait Invested |
Sincere Sincere Sims have more success with Apologies and Compliments. | traits.equip_trait Sincere |
Socially Gifted Socially Gifted Sims build adult social skills faster. | traits.equip_trait SociallyGifted |
Speed Cleaner Speed Cleaners tidy up much faster! | traits.equip_trait SpeedCleaner |
Speed Reader Speed Readers read books faster than your average Sim. | traits.equip_trait SpeedReader |
Steel Bladder Sims with a Steel Bladder rarely have to pay attention to their Bladder Need. | traits.equip_trait SteelBladder |
Super Green Thumb Super Green Thumbs will find that the plants they garden have amazing vitality! | traits.equip_trait SuperGreenThumb |
Thrifty Thrifty Sims receive a 10% rebate on all Build Mode purchases made each week. Rebates will be directly applied to Household Funds. | traits.equip_trait ValuedCustomer |
Tormentor Tormentors can sabotage almost anything, be it an object or another Sim's best efforts. | traits.equip_trait Bane |
Vicarious By being Vicarious, your Children's skill gains can contribute to your own! | traits.equip_trait LivingVicariously |
Webmaster Webmasters get the most out of their computers, unlocking extremely useful ways to use them. | traits.equip_trait Webmaster |
The Sims 4 Bonus Trait Cheats
Bonus trait | Cheat code |
Alluring Alluring Sims are more successful at romance than others. | traits.equip_trait Alluring |
Business Savvy Business Savvy Sims earn more than the standard rate from careers. | traits.equip_trait Business_Savvy |
Collector Collectors can find rare collectibles more often! | traits.equip_trait Collector |
Dastardly Dastardly Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions. | traits.equip_trait Dastardly |
Domestic Domestic Sims will see their familial relationships grow stronger faster. | traits.equip_trait FamilySim |
Essence of Flavor Sims with the Essence of Flavor make higher quality food and drink. | traits.equip_trait EssenceofFlavor |
Gregarious Gregarious Sims build friendly relationships faster. | traits.equip_trait Gregarious |
High Metabolism It is easier to stay fit and trim when you have High Metabolism. | traits.equip_trait High_Metabolism |
Muser Musers get better boosts to their skills when they're inspired. | traits.equip_trait Muser |
Quick Learner Quick Learners build all skills a little bit faster! | traits.equip_trait Quick_Learner |
Outdoor Retreat Reward Traits
Reward trait | Cheat code |
Great Storyteller Great Storytellers always succeed at telling bigger and better stories! | traits.equip_trait GreatStoryteller |
Incredibly Friendly Incredibly Friendly Sims are immediately liked when met with a nice introduction. | traits.equip_trait IncrediblyFriendly |
Stoves and Grills Master Stoves and Grills Masters have a chance to create Impeccable quality consumables that use stoves and grills! | traits.equip_trait StovesandGrillsMaster |
Survivalist Survivalists are most comfortable using camping equipment and living off the land. | traits.equip_trait Survivalist |
Get to Work Reward Trait
Reward trait | Cheat code |
Sickness Resistance Resilient Immunity, Sims will have a lower chance of getting sick and will recover from sickness faster. | traits.equip_trait Sickness |
Get Together Reward Trait
Reward trait | Cheat code |
Natural Leader Sims that are Natural Leaders will earn Club points much faster, and they will be able to overthrow other leaders with ease. | traits.equip_trait ClubPresident |